Book Em’ Dan-O!
It has been a while since I have posted any blogs. A lot has been going on. I have been to Italy, Elliette turned 2, Elise and I celebrated 5 years of marriage (she hasn’t left me), and…I published a fucking book.
I wanted to take some time to share what it has been like to create and put my work out into the world. People have said, “I didn’t know you were writing a book.” The book was 90% complete in 2016. I have sat on the ideas and content for three years! I told myself repeatedly “I have nothing to say”, “Who would read my shit”.. These negative conversations I had with myself were fueled by fear and shame. I allowed myself to play small and prevented myself from stepping into the glory of my brilliance and courage.
I had a conversation with a good friend, Blake Cohen author of I Love You More (purchase here), which was published about 5 months ago. Talking with him helped me see that I was the only the in the way of this book. He believed enough in his self and in me that was inspirational. After that conversation, I said “fuck it” “I’m going to do it; I’m going to publish a book”.
Once I decided to take action and really make it happen instead of talking about it, that’s when the blessings started happening. My idea was coming to life. My experience and wisdom were coming to fruition through this vulnerable publication of what I think is important to have a happy life.
I am not generally one to ask for help. I will die before I get support. Blame in on my family history and gender. Writing a book and the feelings that come along with it have to lead me to be…..VULNERABLE. It has been the best experience of my life; to ask for support and to feel the arms wrap around me have been nurturing and supportive. Keep in my I have avoided this for three years. I have avoided what I’ve wanted most in my life–love and connection. Guess what, vulnerability is the key to love and connection.
I lived for three years with the regret of sitting on my ideas. Since publishing Maximize, I have no regrets. I am not suggesting you write a book but I want to encourage you to take the risk and put a part of yourself out there and however, you can. It is scary but so worth it! Now, buy my book! 🙂