Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy

The administration of ketamine in lower, sub-anesthetic doses to treat pain, depression, or other psychiatric diagnoses is a newer use of ketamine. Psychiatric use of ketamine has become relatively wide-spread in recent years, has been studied and promoted by researchers at the National institute of Mental Health, and has had front-page publicity as the newest anti-depressant. Ketamine has been administered by intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), sub-lingual, oral, and intra-nasal routes. Often, it has been used after other treatment approaches have been unsuccessful. Ketamine, approved by the FDA for treatment-resistant depression” is now an increasingly clinically applied “off-label” treatment for various chronic “treatment-resistant” mental conditions.

Ketamine is a Schedule III medication that has long been used safely as an anesthetic and analgesic agent and now, often effectively for treatment of depression, alcoholism, substance dependencies, PTSD and other psychiatric diagnoses. Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy is increasingly recognized as helpful in the emotional transition when end-of-life is in sight. Ketamine is classified as a dissociative anesthetic, dissociation meaning a sense of disconnection from one’s ordinary reality and usual self. At the dosage level administered to you, you will most likely experience mild anesthetic, anxiolytic, antidepressant and, potentially, psychedelic effects. Recent work has demonstrated of an anti-depressant and anti-suicide response to low dosages (that is, low dose compared to anesthetic usage) of ketamine– administered intravenously, intra-nasally and sublingually (orally)–that produce minimal psychedelic effects; this anti-depressant effect tending to be more sustained with repeated use—in other words, a cumulative effect.

It is our view that psychedelic, ‘dissociative’ experiences may well be instrumental in providing a more robust effect. This may well include a positive change in outlook and character that we term a ‘transformative’ response. We may employ both methods together as will be described herein. Essential to both methods is a time-out of usual experience, this period being of varying duration, usually 30 minutes to 2 hours, that tends to be dose and method of administration related. Relaxation from ordinary concerns and usual mind, while maintaining conscious awareness of the flow of mind under the influence of ketamine is characteristic. This tends to lead to a disruption of negative feelings and obsessional preoccupations. It is our view that this relief and the exploration and experience of other possible states of consciousness are singularly impactful.

We work closely with prescribing physicians so you can receive this cutting edge treatment in our office or in the comfort of your home.

Louisville Health & Healing is accepting and scheduling virtual and in-person appointments. Contact us today!